The Game Master (3rd Edition)
The Game Master 3rd edition.iso
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152 lines
June 20, 1986
DXCOPY (DC) is a program that allows you to change around the patches
in banks created by MIDIEX. The banks of voices are loaded into
one of ten buffers in memory, that can be loaded from MIDIEX files.
The program allows you to move patches between buffers, and then it
corrects the checksum, before you write the buffer out to a file.
This version, 1.3 has a few more commands than the original 1.0, such as
displaying individual patch information, patch editing (more like entering),
graphing of operators (with a color monitor), and automatic load of buffers
from the command line. 1.3 also fixes a bug in the [E]dit command, plus
adds a little better error checking.
The current buffer is displayed as the prompt. Typing 0-9 will change
the buffer the the corresponding number.
Commands: (* are new commands to 1.3)
L Load a MIDIEX file from disk. It will be loaded in the current buffer.
Give no extension.
S Save the current buffer to a MIDIEX file. Give no extension.
D Display patch names in the current buffer.
C Copy patches from one buffer:patch to another buffer:patch.
I Initialize a patch to the initial state.
?,H Displayes a brief help message.
N Allows changing the displayed name of the buffer. Does not affect the
bank, or filename.
U Will display names and status of all buffers.
Q Quit DXCopy.
0-9 Will change the current buffer to the specified buffer number.
V View a specified patch. Displays all the parameters that are needed
to create a patch for the DX7/TX7. For this command, and the [E]dit
command, I refer you to the DX7 manual for specific meanings of the
parameters (Fixed Frequency took me physically to hard code the values,
I STILL don't understand it!).
E Edit a patch. The program will display a second menu, specifying all
the operators, pitch envelope, and other information. If you do not
specify an option, it will use the default settings.
G Graph a patch's envelopes. Selecting G will display (on color monitors)
the envelopes for the six operators of a patch. This routine will NOT
work on a monochrome monitor, even with a hercules graphics card.
*R Randomly generate DX7/TX7 patches. It will prompt you for [P]atch,
[B]ank, [A]ll banks. It then will then randomly the specified range.
*P Will allow you to quickly change the name of a patch.
*O Will send a list of the buffers to the printer. Either one [B]ank
or [A]ll.
NOTE: You cannot do any operation (except copy) to a buffer that hasn't
been loaded or copied to.
The view command is pretty straight forward. It simply displays the
indicated patch to the screen. Some of the abbreviations used are:
Rn Rate #n for operator envelopes.
Ln Level #n for operator envelopes.
BP Break Point
LD Scaling Left Depth
RD Scaling Right Depth
LC Left Curve
RC Right Curve
DET Detune
RS Rate Scaling
KV Key Velocity Sens.
AM Amplitude Modulation Sens.
OL Output Level
OM Oscillator Mode (FR = Frequency Ratio, FF = Fixed Frequency)
FR Frequency (Dependant on OM)
OSC Oscillator.
MOD Modulation.
-L -LINear
+L +LINear
+E +EXPonential
-E -EXPonential
The edit command has a few things that must be explained before it can be
used effectively. First of all, the entry is done from a menu 9 items,
after selecting the [E] command. Selecting 1 through 6 will allow you to
edit the six difaferent operators. If you select an operator, you will
then be asked if you wish to edit the Envelope Parameters. A "Y" will allow
you to change the envelopes, while any other character will move on to the
rest of the options. The values listed in parentheses for each parameter
show the low, high, and current value.
When asked to enter a note value (for breakpoint and transposition), enter
the letter of the note, then a # or + if it is sharp, or a 'b' or a - if it
flat. For natural notes, a space or any other character is acceptable. The
third character entered should be the octave of the note. enter -1 and -2
octaves as -1 and -2. Ex. C3 = c 3, C.3; C#3 = C#3, C+3; Cb3 = Cb3, C-3.
A-1 = A -1, A.-1. Concert pitch is C.3.
When entering the freqency of each voice, follow the information on the
screen. The keys listed will move the values up and down, singly or by
fives. When the ratio or freqency is where you want it, hit the escape key
and the computer will verify your choice.
By typing
One can bring up DXCOPY. It will print the title screen, and initialize
all the banks. By specifying filenames on the command line, you can cause
DC to immediately load the respective files to memory. If it cannot find a
file it will notify you and continue to try and load the rest.
C> DXC tx7f1 laugh1 tomlin heart favbank1
NOTE: The edit and view commands haven't been exhaustively debugged.
If you have any problems please let me know, and I'll fix the bug and
upload the corrected version. Future improvements to DC include
internal transmit and recieve commands, so you won't have to exit
to MIDIEX. (Actually, v1.3 includes the Xmit procedures, but deact-
ivated, because it only sends 31 of the 32 patches! When it's fixed,
you'll see it.) Also a database-like function, where all the patches
are stored in one big file, eliminating duplicates, and making it easy
to create custom banks. Let me know your comments...
Any questions, direct them to Richard Brown,
701 W 23rd St
Lorain, OH 44052
(216) 323 7757 (Work)
R. Brown